Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sad boy

Poor Bright Eyes has been very sad and easily upset for the last week or so. He cries and cries if he suddenly notices I'm not around. He doesn't want to go to preschool or sunday school. Lots of things are issues that bring on tears.

For example, my poor mum was trying to have some bonding time with him yesterday and said, "You're going to come and visit me next week and stay at my house! (which is true) whereupon he said, "No! No! Stay with Mummy!" He ran crying outside to find me and say, "Not Grandma's house! Stay with Mum!"

I feel so sorry for him!

RDA Week
We're off to Sydney next week for his Relationship Development Assessment. This is a six-monthly 'checkup' with our RDI consultant. It goes for four days and at the end we have a new plan to tackle the months ahead. I'm looking forward to it, and to posting what we've learned when we get back.

Monday, February 18, 2008

current update

Things we're doing and not doing now...

GF/CF diet. Not bothering about corn or soy free though. We gave up on the SCD diet... too traumatic.

Homeopathy. Right now he's taking a thing called 'Lycopodium' and it's having some good effects in clearing up his bowels (and consequently brain)

Daily RDI lab time. Plus as much lifestyle RDI as I can get in.

Two days a week at preschool. No RDI on these days.

Planning to homeschool once preschool is finished in December. But I'll just be doing RDI to begin with. He can already read and count and spell...

Not doing
Supplements. It just became too horrible trying to give him the powders and pills. Yuck yuck yuck.

Not making him go to sunday school unless he wants to go right now. I'd rather he has a positive experience of church as he's in that for the long haul, as opposed to preschool.

Not doing morning TV. He has worked out the internet though and will happily play games for half an hour at a time. He's starting to self-limit this which is great.

Not worrying too much about baths or pyjamas or trying to get poos on the toilet. It will happen some day.

No other therapies or groups.


Bright Eyes has this interesting quirk where he asks me questions to which he knows the answers.

For example: he is playing trains with the dog.
"Is it for boys to play trains with dogs?"

Or: he is watching the stereo numbers flash by and it gets to 500.
"Does the lounge room have hundreds?"

Or: He's eating his cereal (Rice Flakes, which he calls 'R&Fs')
"Can James like R & Fs?"

Or: He's thinking about words and spelling
"Is it for Jemima to have an 'l'?"

Is it a hangover from the old way we used to talk to him, asking him questions we knew the answers to?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Bright Eyes really loves his numbers. He is transfixed by clocks and anything else numerical. He can count, he can count by tens, he can count backwards.

We sat down to watch a video "Planet Earth" last night. He was calm enough but kept calling out "100" or "300" as the time went on. Suddenly I realised. Rather than watching the polar bear and her cubs frolic down the ice slope, he was watching the digital counter on the DVD player, just above the TV. Each time it reached a hundred, he called it out for us in delight.


Monday, February 11, 2008

Reading well

I'm really not surprised at all that Bright Eyes is teaching himself to read.

He's been spelling his own name for months now. He can spell everyone's name in the family and one of his favourite jokes is to swap the letters in his brother and sisters names and laugh.

Everywhere we go, he looks for words and spells them out. He wants me to put my finger underneath the words we read together. He compares words with each other and whatever words he says he also adds what they begin with and what letters they have in them.

The other night I peered over his shoulder as I saw him point out and whisper the words "I do not like them Sam I am" as he sat reading Green Eggs and Ham. (And he's standing here reading the same words over my shoulder right now!)

(His older sister did the same thing. Actually, the first writing she ever did was at three when she wrote in black felt tip pen on the wall, "No Mum" because she was angry with me. Hee hee.)

It's nice to have children delighted about words and reading. Bright Eyes really does love stories and some of our best times together are over a book.

Friday, February 8, 2008


My big challenge this week is Bright Eyes' angry voice which he uses at every opportunity, particularly with his baby brother.

He yells "Right now" when he's frustrated with his sister and he will scream "Noooooo" at the top of his voice whenever his brother approaches.

"Where's your beautiful voice?" I say in response, but it doesn't always work.

It's wearing me out today.