Friday, January 23, 2009

A recent email from a friend who did some babysitting

Dear Cecily

Thought you might like to know that Bright Eyes really interacted well today with the kids and me! I think I told you he sat at the lunch table, waited till we were all there, and then said ‘George is my friend, and Amelia is Jemima’s friend’. A bit later when there was a lull in the conversation, he said “Sarah, I went ice skating and I had hot chippies (I think that’s what he called them) for lunch”. Also, we had a conversation then about whether he fell over, whether he got bruises, if he went roller skating.......

And like you suggested when he wanted a second apple iceblock, and I said that’s fine, but can you ask me with manners (which is exactly what I say to mine), and he did.

I have read your blog about Bright Eyes, and the past week at RDA (how full on). I was reflecting on what I knew of him when he first arrived here and where he is now, and although I know you see a long way to go, I also see a long way come. Please be encouraged, and encouraged to keep going.

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