Saturday, June 2, 2007

Good watchin'

On A Current Affair on TV (channel 7 or 9? Shows how often I watch it...) on Monday night, there will be a story about autism and RDI.

You will then be able to switch to the 7.30 Report to see their story about the same thing!

I was going to be on the story on A Current Affair... but apparently Mittagong was just too far to come. Missed my chance to be a TV star!


Jessica Lowe said...

Hi Cecily.. What did you think about the ACA program?

I thought you really should have been the story...really!

Their story made me pretty angry - especially seeing how much time, effort and research you put in for Bright Eyes and you and other people can see it paying off - and then they just gloss over the issue like children behaving badly.

I don't know if I'm missing the point, but I thought it was terrible.

7.30 report was more informative and actually focused on remediation etc..

I can see how having faith in and a relationship with God can make such a difference. Stay strong :)

Hope you're having a good week.


Cecily said...

actually Jess - how embarrassing is this: I didn't watch it! We'll have to talk about it sometime!